Dexcent IDS

We are Industrial DataOps Practitioners!

Enterprise Asset Management Systems

An EAM assessment helps organizations understand the strengths and weaknesses of their asset management practices and systems. It identifies opportunities for improvement, optimizing asset performance, and maximizes the value of assets throughout their lifecycle.

Key Areas Examined:

EAM System Evaluations : Assessing the functionality, features, and capabilities of the EAM system in place, or proposed. This includes assessment of whether the system aligns with the organization's needs, supports asset tracking, provides maintenance scheduling, inventory management, and reporting.

Asset Inventory and Data Quality : Evaluating the completeness and accuracy of asset inventories within the EAM system ensures that asset data, including specifications, maintenance history, and criticality, is up-to-date and reliable for effective decision-making.

Maintenance and Work Management Processes : Assessing the effectiveness of maintenance processes, workflows, and work order management within the EAM system. This involves evaluating how well the system handles, or will handle, maintenance planning, scheduling, execution, and documentation.

Asset Performance Monitoring and Analytics : Evaluating the system's capabilities for monitoring asset performance and analyzing the data to derive actionable insights and readiness assessment of the system support for performance metrics, KPIs, and predictive analytics for proactive asset maintenance.

Integration and Interoperability : Assesses the integration capabilities of the EAM system with other enterprise systems such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System), IoT platforms, or SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems ensuring seamless data flow and interoperability.

Compliance and Risk Management : Determines whether the EAM system supports compliance with industry regulations, standards, and safety requirements. Assesses how well the system manages risks associated with asset management, maintenance, and safety protocols.

User Adoption and Training : Assesses user adoption levels and evaluates the adequacy of training programs provided to employees using the EAM system. Ensures that users understand and effectively utilize the system's features and functionalities.

Future Planning : Evaluates the system's scalability and flexibility to accommodate future growth and changing business needs. Identifies areas for improvement and develops a roadmap for enhancing the EAM system and practices.


Improved Visibility and Control: Integration of EAM systems provides a comprehensive view of all assets across the organization enabling centralized control and real-time visibility into asset performance, maintenance needs and utilization - allowing for better decision-making.

Enhanced Productivity and Efficiency : Integration streamlines processes and workflows related to asset management. It automates scheduling maintenance and managing work orders, and tracking inventory tasks, improving operational efficiency and productivity.

Optimized Maintenance Strategies : EAM integration enables predictive and preventive maintenance strategies. By leveraging data from integrated systems, organizations can analyze asset performance trends, predict failures, and proactively schedule maintenance, reducing downtime and extending asset lifespan.

Cost Savings and Resource Optimization : Effective EAM integration helps in cost reduction and resource optimization. It minimizes unexpected breakdowns, reduces unnecessary maintenance, and optimizes inventory levels, leading to reduced operational costs and enhanced resource utilization.

Compliance and Risk Management : EAM Integration ensures adherence to regulatory compliance and risk management standards. EAM systems can track and manage compliance requirements, reducing the risk of penalties or operational disruptions due to non-compliance.

Data Driven Decision-Making Support : Integrated EAM systems provide robust analytics and reporting capabilities. Organizations can access insights from data collected over the asset lifecycle, aiding in informed decision-making, performance analysis, and strategic planning.

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Table of Content

1. Purpose
1.1. Purpose and Goals
1.2. Why The Industrial DataOps Process Is Needed?
1.3. Industrial DataOps Practitioner Engagement
1.3.1. Oversee An Existing Industrial DataOps Program
1.3.2. High Data Secrecy Organizations
1.3.3. Full Engagement
1.4. Principles
1.4.1. Know Your Data
1.4.2. Curate Your Data
1.4.3. Unify Your Data
1.4.4. Analyze Your Data
1.4.5. Hardware, Software, and People Working Together
1.5. Lifecycle
2. Intention
2.1. Scope
2.2. Assumptions
3. Terminology & References
3.1. Definitions
3.2. Acronyms and Abbreviations
3.3. Industry References, Standards, Regulations and Guidelines
3.4. Site Related References, Standards, Regulations and Guidelines
4. Expectations and Responsibilities
4.1. Roles
4.2. Role Job Description
4.3. Role Assignment
5. Opportunity Identification
5.1. Need Initiated
5.2. Improvement Initiated
7. Baselining
7.1. Data Rationalization
7.2. Data Justification
7.3. Data Impact
7.4. Data Flow
7.4.1. Data Producer
7.4.2. Data Path
7.4.3. Data Consumer
7.5. Data Good State
7.5.1. Failure Conditions
7.5.2. Warning Conditions
7.5.3. Abnormal Conditions
7.6. Data Processing Team
8. Target Confidence Factors
9. Critical Success Factors
10. Risk Analysis / Mitigation Plan
10.1. Risk Analysis
10.2. Mitigation Plan
11. Technology Selection
11.1. Hardware
11.2. Software
11.3. People
12. Project Execution
12.1. Project Synergy
12.2. Project Synergy
12.3. Resource Acquisition
12.4. Scheduling
12.5. Implementation
12.6. Training
12.7. Maintenance
12.8. Contingency
13. Evaluation Vs Baseline
14. Calibration & Sustainment
14.1. Training
14.2. Maintenance
14.3. Obsolescence
15. Continuous Improvement Process
15.1. Continuous Process Documentation
15.2. Audit
16. Management Of Change (MOC)
16.1. Applicability
16.2. Methodology